Friday, July 24, 2009

Day Six - Temptations

I took the day off because Soupha is in Las Vegas with her sisters. I've got the kiddos and it isn't exactly routine for me. But we do ok :-) I had the typical egg breakfast this morning. But I was in such a rush to get out of the house that I didn't have time to pack anything for myself for lunch. I had a meeting at work, and then it was off to "Cops and Kids" at the park. Ava and Reid had a really good time climbing through ambulances and petting the police horses. And they were very excited about the ice cream. Now I never found out if there was ice cream there because the food line was VERY long. So we bailed and went to A&W. I got them some chicken strips, fries, and a root beer float. They sucked it all down, but by this time I was ravenously hungry. So it was tempting to stuff a couple fries in my mouth. I abstained though :-) When we got home, I put the kids down for a nap and then had the leftover avocados and shrimp and an apple.

Tonight, I have a babysitter and I'm going to the movies with my mom. I'm sure the popcorn will smell good, but its awful price combined with a little willpower will be enough deterrant :-)
I'll probably just pack a simple dinner of turkey breast, nuts, and an apple for the theater. Down with the man!

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